Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pointless bored musings.

Ok, so I guess I've had this open for nearly 3 years and never posted anything. Who knew? The 24 people who wandered past this empty page I guess, but I sure didn't.

Anyhow, on to who I am, who I am not, what this is, and what this isn't.

I am eviljames, here me bore.  I am a bigtime nerd, and have spent over 10 years nerding it up on various Linux, UNIX and UNIX-Derived systems.  If you, dear reader, are not interested in these things then this blag will likely bore you more than you can imagine.  I enjoy solving interesting problems and will likely base many posts on solving said problems.  My upcoming introduction series will focus on the "ins and outs" of building a triple-boot laptop, consisting of OpenSolaris, Slackware Linux (the only Linux that matters) and Windows Vista (the only recent Windows I have a license for).  I am not, however, someone who gets excited about solving well documented problems.

Some of the posts here will be particular to a specific batch of hardware, others to specific operating systems, and others will be more abstracted yet and aimed at things like copyright and patents.  For the most part, I will be using it as a reference for myself.  Hopefully I'll post at least once per week, but don't hold your breath.

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